Friday, December 14, 2012

Dick the halls

Home dickorThe holiday season is here, the time to spruce up your place with some special seasonal decor. But don't stop at beautifying your home! Your own personal treasure could use some festive additions of their own.

One approach is to buy jewelry especially designed for male genitalia. The most common, of course, is the standard cock ring. In addition to being functional, some have serious aesthetic appeal. One of my favorite is one I bought at an artist's gallery in Palm Springs. You can see it in the photo on the left.

But some of the most creative ways to enhance your package start with simple, inexpensive silicon cock rings. Their flexibility makes them the ideal jewelry for an organ that has a tendency to change its size. Experiment with putting them on different places on your shaft or scrotum. To get extra festive, try multiple kinds and colors.

Don't stop there. Some masturbation toys will fit on the cock like a kind of sleeve, calling special attention to your unit in a most original way.

In addition, many so-called chastity devices can function as attractive erotic accessories. One of my favorites is a kind of cock harness that does little to enforce chastity (since it has way to be locked), but puts a hard cock on rather nice display.

Give it a try, especially if you plan on attending a Nude Year's Eve or other appropriate event. If you need more ideas, check out this month's photo set, Home Dickorating, available now in our photography department.

Because the family jewels deserve some jewelry of their own.

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