Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Multiple encounters of the closest kind

Lace-up jockstrapAccording to those in the know, the term multi-orgasmic refers to multiple orgasms occurring in succession without losing sexual arousal in between. I can only think of one or two times in my life when I experienced this particular phenomenon.

But having multiple orgasms in a single sex session (usually with a break for cuddling or other activities in between) is quite another matter. If I'm with the right guy, having two or more orgasms in a single get-together is not all that uncommon. On the contrary, in my younger days I would spend a lazy Saturday afternoon at the bathhouse and feel like something was amiss if I didn't come four or five times before leaving.

I'm older now of course, and age does play a role here. But coming more than once with a partner is still very normal when the chemistry is right.

This week's true tale of erotic fun is just one example. Bored with the bars, and even with what should have been a fun jockstrap party, I made my way to one of Seattle's oldest existing sex emporiums. But I won't spill the beans here. For the full scoop, turn to our True Stories department and check out the story Clubbing. And if you feel so inspired, share your own tales of multiple encounters in the comment section.

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