Friday, May 20, 2011

Porn this way

Nude in mirrorCongressman Christopher Lee posted a stripped-to-the-waist photo on Craigslist, retired quarterback Brett Favre sexted photos of his genitals to a lady, and nude photos and videos have haunted (or ended) the careers of senior Liberian minister Willie Knuckles, Indonesian politician Yahya Zaini, and European Commission Vice President Gunter Verheugen.

All of which seems to confirm a trend noted by a recent Playboy magazine poll that finds more and more of us taking or posing for nude photos and videos.

According to the Playboy 2011 Sex Survey, 27 percent of men and 23 percent of women have been photographed or filmed nude. The survey also found that 15 percent of men and 9 percent of women have been photographed or filmed having sex.

Though nowhere near a majority, the numbers are still startlingly high, with one in four men have been photographed or filmed naked. Clearly, the fear of nudity that seems to pervade the American legal system does not stop people from wanting bare naked representations of themselves, although presumably most don't want those photos made public.

Nakedism hopes that, if accurate, the results point to a gradual body acceptance that will make its way into the public sphere.

1 comment:

  1. 'Nakedism', I back that up. But what we see here is so schizophrenic. Using nudity for sexual arousal, or at least to draw sexual attention to it is in fact a psychic aberration. The 'now you see my clothes now you don't' play can be fun, but the porn industry thrives totally on burlesque undressing and obsessive slobbering over 'forbidden fruits'. ADHD fetishism.

    These politicians are usually christian conservative republicans and almost always married. I mean, that's what human society demands: man and woman locked in an intimate union that is supposed to last a lifetime. Often these demands are enforced by religious traditions and rules.
    It's then stunning to see preachers like Ted Haggard and Eddie Long condemning gays to Hell and at the same time committing sodomy. 'I asked God to forgive me for my sins' makes me SO angry.
    Then there is this mayor from Detroit swearing on tv to be faithful to his wife, and promising so for the second time. Is she blind and deaf? Like Mrs Strauss-Kahn a masochist? To have everyone applauding Kwame Kilpatrick for his 'strength', he's using his spouse in the most disgracing way.
    So what sort of society do we actually want? Why is hypocrisy almost a lifestyle?

    Everyone including politicians have the basic humane right to show oneself without clothes and choose a same-sex partner or a polygamous life. But people would panic, 'We need traditional norms and exemplary, a-sexual, God fearing leaders!'
    What's WRONG with people?
